
Monday 1 November 2010

i'm down with the kids.

In my opinion everyone needs one of these;

its pretty much the epitome of cool. I mean who wouldn't want an oversized, thin hoodie? you tell me. It’s very versatile, so my personal opinion is that it can make pretty much everything look cool, but I think it would go perfect with this outfit of mine;

Like the pink lips? I feel a little like Jacqueline Kennedy (JFK’s wife) with her famous bright pink pout. She’s sort of become a definition of elegant, cool for me. She was just so classy without being stuck up or overly showy about it. Isn’t that what everyone kind of looks for in celebrities today? But I suppose even though we wont admit it we’re all secretly extremely delighted when a celebrity gets a pimple because it reminds us that they actually are human, that they have pores and we have something to laugh privately at for the rest of the day, that is until Jordan takes headlines with regular flashes of her boobs.

Looking at all these ladies with cropped hair really makes me want to cut my hair short and dye it really blonde, but I know I'll just regret it when I do. For now I will make do with, scrutinising Geena Davis in 'The long kiss goodnight’ Looky here;

Also I would probably look really horrible with a round bob cut like that. But then again most people probably feel this need to completely change their hair and knowing me I would end up doing it and then hide under my duvet for the next 50 years, only to creep out for weekly doses of Gossip Girl and Americas/Australia’s/Britain’s Next top Model and to get more ice-cream supplies. I feel a little nauseous just thinking about it, because I know I would then be referred to as the ‘Cat Lady’!

Do you have a cat lady? I mean in your neighbour hood, not do you own a cat lady and keep her in a cage or something, cause… that's creepy (!)

Aren’t most childhood dreams to be some heroic super spy, where you save the day and everything works out perfectly and your just like “pow, pow, pow” and all the Bad guys are eliminated and then you live happily ever after and you get to do it whilst looking super stylish? I know mine was, but if I’m honest I don’t think I could handle the suspense and/or kill anyone (!)

But Geena Davis, She can do all that and she dyed and cut her hair by herself with ordinary kitchen scissors, I mean who is this woman? Super Girl? She poured lighter fluid into a baby doll, then when she and her daughter were trapped she just happened to have the makings of a bomb – how did she know that’d happen? Is she psychic? No I bet she used an Ouija Board, which happened to be in her pocket. The people of the afterlife told her. Well, all I can say is she’s freaking fantastic.


I have this relentless desire to be in the breakfast club. Wouldn't that just be the best thing ever? I would dress up in frilly skirts with an ostentatious amount of layers and ruffles, and wear shirts with the prints of man's hard work, paired with possibly the coolest pair of shoes alive; Doc Martins. Has there ever been a better preserved trend than that of the Doc Martin? It's ageless cool, inflicts frost bite on my mind. Yeah, it's that cool. Then I’d strut around with Judd Nelson, and we’d just have teenage angst together and pull fire alarms, well he’d do that I’d probably be chasing butterfly’s – but I think I can fake Teenage Angst pretty well. We’d turn our music up really loud and dance around looking like were having epileptic fits. Yeah, it’d be cool.

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